Monday 20 April 2009

None of the wisdom..

After 26 years, finally, today, I confirmed what I had suspected, and hoped for all along.

I have NO wisdom teeth at all!

I have had very past traumatic incidents with fierce dental nurses back in Primary School. I was terrified of dental visits, each leaving emotional scares, like after how the dental nurse pinned me down just to extract my teeth.

Dental visits have become a little less terrifying after I grew up a little. Every year, I would still drag myself down to get my teeth polished and scaled. I guess I was lucky that my teeth never really gave me any trouble. But as the years went by, and i hear of all my friends pulling out their wisdom teeth, whereas I never had any, I became to wonder when mine would come out.

Although i never tot much about it, I din really start to get worried until Hubby's wisdom teeth started giving him problems and he has to extract all 4 of them. Gosh! If i had to do that, I think I would just die....

So I have this naggy feeling to get my fears and suspicion cleared once and for all. And today, I went to get an X-ray done. And the dentist confirmed it. None at all.

God is kind to me.

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